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A helmet with multiple functions


Why do people need different kinds of helmet?

Why do people need different kinds of helmet?

Zhan Peng |

Helmets are an essential accessory for many recreational activities and sports. They are critical because they prevent a severe head injury that may lead to traumatic brain injuries due to the impact. Sporting and recreation activities such as bike riding, skateboarding, rock climbing, or driving a motorcycle can cause head injuries. Additionally, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) explains that wearing a helmet when engaging in sport and recreation reduces severe head injury risks. However, all helmets are not the same; for example, a ski/skate helmet is different from a bike helmet.

Helmets have a hard, plastic shell located on the outside and a foam inside. When the head is hit, the material that makes the helmet dissolves the force of the impact, reducing the energy transferred to the skull. The  CPSC notes that helmets are essential, but no single helmet design serves all sports. Therefore, people require different kinds of helmets when they do various activities. For example, a ski helmet is different from a bike helmet in several ways. While the ski and snowboard helmet is equipped with insulation to protect an individual from cold weather, a bike helmet offers more ventilation. Also, a ski helmet is designed to protect the slopes. Therefore, wearing a bicycle helmet when snowboarding may not provide adequate protection when impact occurs.

Ski helmets are designed for more impact than bicycle helmets mainly because a snowboarder travels at a speed almost twice that of a biker. Another difference occurs because the snowboard helmet covers the sides, including the ears, to offer protection from the cold, while the most common bicycle helmets do not have these features. Therefore, a skier should not settle for a bike helmet because it will not offer them the required protection when skiing in the mountainous icy, rocky regions.

People need different types of helmets for each sport they engage in because each helmet is designed to protect the individual from the various impacts that each specific activity attracts. Additionally, each sport's different types of helmets are required to meet the federal safety standards. For example, when bike helmets meet the required standard, they offer protection from skull fractures and protect from brain injuries. When engaging in recreational activities, some people may feel that one helmet can serve the same purpose for all activities. Still, each type of helmet for a particular action will ensure they are protected.

Apart from picking the correct helmet for sporting or recreating activity, the CPSC recommends that the individual should ensure they choose the right fit and wear it properly because following these guidelines ensures the helmet serves its purpose. Additionally, individuals should strive to purchase helmets that meet the specified standards by ensuring they check the special marking that indicates the helmet manufacturer has complied with safety standards. Additionally, individuals are supposed to pick helmets that offer protection and not style while avoiding helmets with elements that are not essential such as protruding horns and unnecessary stickers.